Saturday, June 4, 2011

Here's to 100!!

It's our 100th blog post!

After the last post was finished, I noticed that we were on post #99, which meant the very next one would be #100. Talk about pressure - the 100th one has to be super special, right? I couldn't possibly use my 100th post to talk about just anything, so my first thought was to wait until our upcoming anniversary and let our 100th post be all about that. But then I started looking back over all of the posts we've done over the last 2 1/2 years and I couldn't help but think about how incredibly good God has been to us and how incredibly thankful we are for His blessings in our life. And then I decided to let post #100 be all about the things we are thankful for....the things in life that make us smile...some of them serious, and others...not so much =)

So here goes...

1. the love, grace, and mercy of our incredible Father
2. my amazing husband - and I do mean A-maz-ing!
3. family - it doesn't get any better than them!!
4. friendships - the new ones, the old ones, & most importantly, the lifelong ones
5. LIFE Church of DuPont - what a place to worship!
6. the Word of God
7. the U.S.A. - our freedoms and those who fight for them
8. a job that I absolutely LOVE at a school that I absolutely ADORE!
9. Dad's cancer being STABLE at this present moment - woohoo!!!
10. listening to Derek preach
11. praying for others and with others
12. airplanes that get us to our family in a jiffy
13. kiddos that call me "Lissa" & kiddos that call me "Kitty" =)
14. birthdays
15. luscious lemon frozen yogurt
16. flavored lemonades
17. rain jackets
18. a place to call home
19. sunshine
20. fresh flowers from the farmer's market
21. social networking
22. getting handwritten notes in the mail
23. flip-flops
24. feeling organized
25. gas that doesn't cost $4
26. date nights
27. not having to set an alarm clock
28. seasons
29. getting dressed up
30. pajama days
31. fresh, clean sheets
32. the crock pot
33. things that are colorful
34. walks with the hubby
35. playing games with friends
36. sunsets at 9:30 p.m.
37. laughing
38. hugs
39. rainboots
40. bubble baths
41. sunglasses
42. naps
43. celebrations
44. traveling & exploring
45. my pampered chef pineapple wedger
46. cupcakes
47. singing in the car
48. just about anything that's FREE =)
49. the blessings of a full pantry
50. little packages from home
51. photo albums
52. finding a parking spot near the store entrance
53. the cute little black grocery carts at Albertson's (ridiculous, I know)
54. moments of nostalgia
55. pedicures
56. babies, babies, babies =)
57. hanging out on the patio
58. cooking on the grill - well, eating what's been cooked on the grill, ha!
59. discovering new things
60. pictures
61. the beach
62. picnics
63. trips to the zoo
64. the bay window in our home that blesses us with the most beautiful views
65. our first church family at EMBC in Louisiana
66. thrift stores
67. being on time - sure makes a girl feel accomplished!
68. sno-balls
69. fun community events
70. cooking with my Granny's old pots and spoons
71. pearls
72. letters from our Compassion child in Ghana
73. lunch with my girlfriends
74. surprises
75. finding the perfect gift
76. cards - I love cards more than presents!
77. flat irons
78. encouragement
79. blogging
80. texts & phone calls from friends & family
81. smiles
82. adventures
83. grocery shopping - I really do enjoy it =)
84. happy tears
85. reading a great book
86. exit row seats on an airplane
87. weekends
88. pleasant dreams
89. southern thunderstorms
90. opportunities to serve & love
91. vacation
92. falling asleep quickly
93. thoughtfulness
94. remembering special dates
95. being surrounded by love
96. road trips
97. learning something new
98. memories
99. time spent with the people I love
100. Finishing our 100th blog post, whew!

Love & blessings to all of you! =)

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