Flat Stanley is a children's book character who is just what his name says...a flat paper boy named Stanley. Every year in 1st/2nd/3rd grade classrooms across the country, kids read about Flat Stanley and make their very own to send to whomever they choose. If you ever receive a Flat Stanley, you are supposed to show him a good time, taking him around your city and mailing him back with pictures and little momentos of where you live.
This time our Flat Stanley came all the way from Mrs. Matute's 3rd grade class in Carriere, Mississippi. Here's a bit of Stanley's adventure..
A Visit to Pike Place Market
Home of the Flying Fish Place
Getting up close and personal with the seafood
A quick stop at the very first Starbucks
Of course we had to show Stanley around Steilacoom!
And finally, a cloudy day on the Puget Sound.
We had other adventures planned for Stanley, however, the weather was quite uncooperative (imagine that!) so we packed him up along with some post cards of the things we didn't get to see and he is now on his way back to Mississippi. Thanks so much 3rd graders for sending Flat Stanley to visit!
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